A mouse is programmed to search for food, reproduce and find a way out of trap. The man's programme is a bit more developed. It has an added dimension which enabled him to create civilisation, propaganda, economies and wars. It makes a man subject to Groups Power.
Groups Power is a dynamism of individual policies which makes a man obey the stronger (as long as he has no choice) and bully the weaker (possibly to make them even weaker). Men join or create groups in quest for power. They regroup. Groups strenghten or destroy their members.
I always had a tendency of steering away from people, for security purposes. I am self-sufficient and do not need "friendship". For me, being a part of group has unpleasant disadvantages. The flip side of my policy is not loneliness, as common sense would suggest. It is agression and generally lack of sympathy for my independance. It scares them, feeds their flawed imagination. They want to test me into their games. But group members get outsmarted by mice.
I am like a mouse. I am programmed to store value. I see traps laid around.
"The policies now being pursued by the Bush administration to revive growth by boosting consumption aren’t the solution to the country’s long-term structural economic problem."
Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of Central Bank of China
So why to boost consumption in China the way the FED does? Is there anything the Chinese want? So let them produce it. Plus allow private banking with sane reserve system. You do not need Anglo-Saxon 'capitalism'.
"Under normal circumstances, no question bankruptcy court is the best way to work through credit and debt and restructuring”. “These aren’t normal circumstances. That’s the problem" .
George W Bush, President of Most Powerful Group
That's right, Mr Bush. Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't be a president.